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Thank you in advance for your generous donation. Our vision is to see people saved, healed and delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit in our cities and all Nations of the earth. As we go spreading the Gospel we believe that with your support we can go faster and erect more partners and Evangelists to go as well. This is only the beginning and it's ALL for Jesus Christ’s Glory!!!

The key verses the Lord Jesus Christ gave me for this season came to me in a dream

He showed me a math equation saying 314 x 99 = ……..   and He said what’s the answer??

When I woke up I did the math and I saw that this is the number I need to raise for the Mission trip including my flights (about US31k)   God is so good.

I researched the verses and I got really emotional, He was giving me the confirmation He really is intentionally sending me to these nations. Praise the Lord!  

I am looking for 99 people to partner in the giving of $314.00 

May God bless you abundantly in your adventures now and always!

is one of the key verses in the entire Bible. Here, God is speaking to Moses out of a miraculous occurrence: a bush which is on fire, but not burnt up. God has declared His intent to free Israel from their slavery under Egypt. God has also ordered Moses to return to Egypt, so that he can lead this transition from oppression to freedom. Moses responded with doubt and questions. One of these questions is fairly simple: what do I say when people ask "what god sent you?" The answer given here is crucial for understanding the identity and nature of God.

God identifies Himself using a phrase which is actually a description, or a statement: "I AM WHO I AM" or simply "I AM."


God said to Moses, "I am who I am." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel: 'I am has sent me to you."


God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you."


“He scattered abroad, he gave to the poor,
His righteousness [remains] endures forever.”

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